Gemstones and Crystals

Gemstones and Crystals

gemstones and crystals

Purchasing gemstones and crystals can be a great way to add beauty and interest to your home. They can also be a great gift for your friends or family. You can find a variety of gemstones and crystals that will suit your needs.


Whether you’re buying a new piece of jewelry or looking for a new crystal, aquamarine is a great choice. It has a variety of metaphysical properties.

The stone is known for its ability to promote self-expression and open up channels of communication. It also helps with the cleansing of physical clutter. It’s especially helpful for removing excess anger and fear. It is also a powerful healing stone.

The colour of aquamarine ranges from light green to deep blue. It is believed to help with skin diseases and allergies. It also has a soothing effect on hives and eczema. It’s also believed to help with respiratory problems.

Aquamarine is a powerful healing stone. It’s particularly helpful for clearing physical clutter and removing emotional trauma. It’s also helpful for healing from the effects of inadequacy and guilt.

It’s also helpful for regaining one’s passion. It’s a great stone for children. It’s also used for meditation. The energy of aquamarine helps to release old patterns of behavior that prevent growth.


Throughout history, Amethyst has been known for its spiritual qualities and its healing abilities. It has been used for centuries as an amulet to protect people. It has also been used to bring tranquility to the world.

Amethyst is a very durable stone. You can wear it on your body or use it as jewelry. Amethyst crystals can last for years with proper care. It is important to keep your gemstone away from harsh elements. You should also keep it away from salt water.

Amethyst is one of the most popular gems on the market. It is available in many different colors. You can get pink, purple, or violet. You can also get a clear stone.

Amethyst is the birthstone of the water bearers, the Aquarians. These people are visionaries and are known for their deep intellect. They also have a cool nature. Amethyst is perfect for them to balance their cold and analytical nature.

Amethyst is used to boost the immune system and respiratory system. It is also used for clearing the mind of brain fog and reducing stress. It can also help people recover from loss and grief. It is also helpful for people who are suffering from insomnia.

Tiger’s eye (red)

Whether you are looking for a jewelry piece for your closet or a stone for healing, Tiger’s Eye is a perfect addition. It is a powerful crystal, which is used to attract success and good fortune into your life.

Tiger’s Eye has the power to open up the brain to new ideas and encourage a more flexible mindset. This stone will also help you stay calm and centered while you’re dealing with difficult situations.

Tiger’s Eye is a stone that works well with the solar plexus chakra. It helps you overcome fears and develop a sense of self-confidence. It also stimulates your sexual life and helps you resolve sexual problems.

Tiger’s Eye helps to promote a healthier pregnancy. It is also helpful in recovering from heart surgery. It is also effective at absorbing negative energy. It is also a tonic for a tired mind.

Tiger’s Eye can also be used as an amulet. It has been used to counter black magic in Africa.


Known as the “good luck stone” or “prosperity charm,” Jade is a powerful stone that helps to promote physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Jade also brings balance to the body and supports the kidneys and spleen.

Jade’s healing properties include aiding the spleen to heal itself, lowering fevers and helping the body to fight infections. Jade also helps to regulate blood-sugar and fluid retention. Jade can also help to heal kidney problems and eye problems.

Jade is also a great stone to wear when you are recovering from physical injuries. It is also a good stone for children. Jade has a soothing energy and is very durable.

It is also a good stone to help to ground yourself, especially when you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed. It helps to reorient yourself, and to restore your self-esteem. Jade will help you to find your inner child and learn to accept yourself and your feelings. It can also help you to clear the path to prosperity.